sâmbătă, 26 decembrie 2020

Risotto cu ciuperci sublim



king oyster

hribi (deshidratati merg) - se rehidradeaza intr-o cana cu apa fiarta

o ceapa jumate

orez arborio, cam 300g

cimbru (proaspat daca se poate), salvie, rozmarin (optional)

vin alb (1 cana)

parmezan ras - 70g 

bacon (bine prajit sa fie crocant)


intr-o tigaie punem la calit ciupercile curatate si taiate estetic la un foc mediu-iute cu o bucata generoasa de unt, sare si piper si ierburile de mai sus.

acoperim cu un capac si dupa vreo 10 minute scoatem zeama pentru a o folosi la risotto

lasam sa se rumeneasca ciupercile, dupa care stingem cu putin vin si mai calim un pic, in total ar dura cam 20min, atentie sa nu le uscam prea tare.

Concomitent, calim ceapa cu ulei de masline si unt, adaugat sare si orezul si stingem la foc iute cu majoritatea vinului alb.

Incorporam dupa ce se evapora vinul zeama de la ciuperci, hribii rehidratati impreuna cu zeama in care au stat si pe masura ce se absoarbe, adaugam putin cate putin apa fiarta.

Spre final, bagam ciupercile maruntite si pastram king oysters pentru a le plasa la final.

Risotto e gata cand bobul se simte un pic tare la dinti si daca e nevoie mai adaugam apa ca sa fie cremos, de consistenta unei mamaligi moi gen.

Adaugam parmezanul ras, amestecam si servim imediat

sâmbătă, 5 decembrie 2020

Cod loin with samphire and sage celeriac puree


I've used the following:
2 cod loins
some fancy multicolored carrots for roasting (optional)
a bunch of sage

Start by frying a generous amount of sage leaves with butter and some crushed garlic (80-100g)

Extract garlic and the sage leaves (should be crunchy) and 'drain' them on kitchen paper
Coat the carrots and cauliflower in the sage-infused butter and season with salt and perhaps some ground coriander.You can spice things up here a bit by throwing in some ginger (haven't tried)

Bake for about 30-40min until 'al-dente' at 200C. 

Boil the celeriac for about 20min and then blend with a stick blender into a puree. Mix in the butter, some cream or milk and most of the sage leaves (save some for decoration). If you fancy, try mixing in some blue cheese to cut some of the sweetness and add a tangy-ness

Bake the cod loin with olive oil and half a lemon's juice for 15min tops at 200C. Add some lemon slices if you want.

Steam or boil the samphire for about 2-3min. It's very salty and it will act as a condiment to balance out the sweetness of the root veggies, together with the juices from the fish.

Another thing to add could be an olive and anchovies paste on top of the fish, or make a crust of nuts and herbs before baking... let your imagination run wild if you have the time and ingredients.

Bon appetit!