Contrar retetelor precum
micii nu necesita chiar atat de mult efort.
cantitati egale de carne de vita (20% grasime) si miel (20% grasime)
condimentele din retetele de mai sus daca se poate (eu nu am avut ienibahar, coriandru, star anise sau alte nebunii dar aroma carnii de calitate a fost suficienta)
sare si piper la discretie.
secretul micilor suculenti este de fapt urmatorul: 200-300ml de apa la 1kg de carne si lingurita de bicarbonat de sodiu.
deci se amesteca toate ingredientele intr-un lighean cateva minute (nu la mixer ca pe aluatul de paine cum zic unii, sincer nu cred ca face mare diferenta).
se formeaza dupa framantare si se pun la rece pe o tava (ma gandesc ca e mai bine sa fie formati in avans ca se formeaza o 'crusta' exterioara.
eu nu am avut rabdare sa-i las cu orele si am facut un batch la vreo 1h30-si au iesit nemaipomeniti (sa fi fost carnea de calitate bio de la waitrose?)
sharing my cooking experiments with the world, and with myself - for future reference!
miercuri, 3 iunie 2020
Asian eggplant
An extremely quick and delicious side or veg main to go with rice and salmon or anything else really...
Cut eggplant in chip size chunks
Heat some (mix in a bit of sesame oil) oil with chilli and generous amounts of chopped garlic.
Add the eggplant and toss on high heat.
Mix some soy sauce with sugar and water. If you have rice vinegar, add that too. Starch optionally if you like them sticky.
Once eggplant has softened enough but still a bit firm, add in the sauce and cook for a few more mins.
Add chopped coriander and squeeze half a lemon.
Yum yum!
Cut eggplant in chip size chunks
Heat some (mix in a bit of sesame oil) oil with chilli and generous amounts of chopped garlic.
Add the eggplant and toss on high heat.
Mix some soy sauce with sugar and water. If you have rice vinegar, add that too. Starch optionally if you like them sticky.
Once eggplant has softened enough but still a bit firm, add in the sauce and cook for a few more mins.
Add chopped coriander and squeeze half a lemon.
Yum yum!
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